Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Charger for sale

Here's my back up 19m charger.  I'll take best offer on it. There are no repairs or damages to it, it is in excellent condition.  Here are a couple of pictures that I have on hand.  I can always take more if you'd like.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Return of the Wind

Finally after months without wind the weather has turned.  My last kite session was sometime close to the fourth of July.  I spent the last week watching windalert.com and to my satisfaction 18mph winds were predicted for Saturday.  I drove 300 miles to Illinois where my family lives to ride my favorite spot in the midwest.  

I woke up to 9mph winds, so I broke out the 12 meter HQ montana for some light wind action.   After two hours or so the wind picked up to 18-33mph and my kite was lit!  I was by myself for most of the time, but the last 30 minutes or so my wife showed up.  She took a few pictures using her phone.  I got lofted a few times in the gusty winds, but I had huge smiles across my face.  

Getting Lofted

                                                                    Board Grab
You don't always need a board to fly!

Timing is everything, even when you don't got it